What would the player see?
Our game will be presented using a side-on perspective.
This way the player can appreciate the design of each party member and better connect with them. It also makes it easier to design a 2D view of them, making the animation cleaner and more effective.
We might have zoom-ins on characters during combat to show off detailed characteristics of both the heroes and enemies. Additionally, this perspective can simulate the claustrophobic feeling and add more intimacy and intensity to the gameplay. Moreover we can use the same design for both the dungeon crawling and combat aspect.
Heros and enemies will be placed in a row in a 4 by 4 formation.

As seen above, this layout is typical of a turn based 2D game in which the characters and enemies are all on the same screen with the same view. The health bars and mana bars for each character/enemy will be above them in a clear view so that the player always knows the status of their team as well as the enemy.
In the boxes at the bottom of the screen will be the options to attack. This will include Attack, Spell, using a consumable or skipping their turn. After each entity has completed their action, the turn will end. Additionally, there are also de-buffs and status effects that could effect each character, these will be displayed above and on the character itself.
After the turn has ended, a notification will appear the top of the screen outlining the turn number. This could go up to any number.
Side Scrolling
After defeating a set of enemies the characters will progress further towards the right of the screen. Before this, the camera shifts to the right as the characters start to enter the new scene from the left. It is being debated on whether or not the characters should first progress to the right to the next set of enemies and then for the camera to catch up and follow them. However, these are all small iterations that need to be tested and prototyped to see which would be the most effective.
Game Over Screen
If all friendly characters die, the screen will display them as part of the club's scene. This means that the game will be over and they will have succumb to the party life by joining in with the festivities of others. An example of this would be showing each of them mingling with bystanders and drinking or being kicked out of the club.