Enemy Design
The enemies present in the game will be split using families. Each family of enemies should provide the player with different challenges and feel unique to each other. For now, we have 3 different types of enemies:
- Beasts
-Undead enemies
Each family of enemies will have different members that play different roles.
An enemy will always fall into one of the following categories
- Tank: Resilient, can take high amounts of damage.
- Physical damage dealer: Uses attacks to deal physical damage.
- Magical damage dealer: Uses spells to deal magic damage.
- Support: Can heal and buff other enemies or debuff and inflict status effects on player characters.
- Boss enemy: Extremely strong enemy, the player only comes in contact with it after 3 stages.
Undead enemies will have a skeleton-like design, the main feature visible to the player from this will be the skull. The other features could be a rib cage or other parts of the skeleton only visible in certain areas of the character.

My designs above show various types of enemy from the same family - undead skeletons. From the left: (respectively)
The warrior type,
Assassin/ninja type,
Summoner type
As you can see, each enemy from this family includes similar features to ensure that there is no confusing them from being from the same place.
Undead - Boss
This would be the design for the boss of the undead family. The design is a mix between a human skull and a disco ball. This enemy would float above the floor and deal a great amount of damage to the players' party through magical attacks / since he doesn't have any body parts to deal physical damage with/
I made 2 different versions of the boss enemy.
One is more deformed - being 2 skulls conjoined into one.
The other is a more normal looking skull.

For the second family of enemy types, we had chosen to use werewolves. (A mix between humans and wolves). These enemies will feature human like bodies with wolf features, mainly appearing on the face.

As you can see on the right, my original sketch displays how a typical werewolf character in the game will look. However, with the addition of colours and other accessories, they should fit more into the Night Club / Medieval theme that we are trying to go for.

The character on the left is our initial design for a vampire character. This will further be developed later to product a final enemy. The skeleton sketches on the right show the previous versions of how the skeleton family would have looked.