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Environment  Design

The Club

Since our theme is a mix between medieval fantasy and a nightclub I thought it would be a good idea to have a castle as a big nightclub. I took the inspiration from a castle in “ Disenchantment” and added various neons colours and lights.

After this, I took some screenshots from “Disenchantment” and “Phineas and Ferb” to study the structure and design of the inside of the castle.

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Ideally, I want to add graffiti on the walls of the castle to give it a more urban feel. The original design has a ball-shaped roof on one of the buildings and I thought it would look good as a big disco-ball shaped building with glass windows where you could see the shining lights from coming inside.

Above the main entrance will be a large billboard with the name of the club. We haven't made a final decision on what the name will be but through my research, I came across a really interesting name “Pandemonium” - the name comes from the book “Mortal Instruments - City of Bones” by Cassandra Clare.  I especially like the separation of the words “Pan-Demon-ium” which foreshadows the supernatural nature of the club. We are aiming to come up with something similar.


Colour Palette 

For the colour palette, I chose neon colours and a range of dark colours for the background to showcase that the events of the game are happening during the night. Additionally, these colours are typical of a night club. The dark colours will be used to create a night-time effect as many clubs are only open during late hours. The bright neon lights will help reinforce this as they will symbolise the requirement of said lights due to the lack of sunlight available.

Below you can see a background design in grayscale and a one with colors

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The Shrine

A Shrine would be a place where the player would heal themselves. In my mind when I think about a shrine I think about a magical fountain with water that heals you when you drink it.

So naturally applying those rules to our theme - our shrine would be a bar. At the bar, you can choose a drink to restore either hp/ mana/ both but by a smaller amount - depending upon what you need. 


For a bartender, I chose one of the characters that were rejected from the main cast. This big, half-man, half-wolf guy is very polite and will serve you the best drinks for a very reasonable price. Of course, this is a mock-up and the final version will be a lot more polished.


The Shop

A shop would allow the player to purchase goods such as character upgrades, weapons and armour. Keeping in mind the theme of our game we were thinking about where else you can buy something in a club besides a bar.

Our choice was simple - a shady guy in a bathroom. When you choose to go to the “shop” you would enter a “ i‘ve seen better days” restroom and you would encounter a mysterious looking guy in the corner.

Once he notices your presence he will brighten up and greet you with a smile. After opening up his big trench-coat you will see all the ‘goods’ he is carrying.  You can purchase various items like armour, weapons, potions etc.

Here’s a little mock-up animation to showcase how it possibly will look like.

©2020 by AlijeLikesArt. Stworzone przy pomocy

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