Concept Art
#1 The village
In the beginning, our game had 3 sections: the village, forest and mountains.
To have a general idea of how each area would look like. I created some mock-ups of possible visuals.
First, I started with a simple sketch of the level.

Then I created a colourful version of my sketch just to see how different colours complement each other.
Moreover, I based my sketch on the tutorial level design // at the time// so we could see visually how the level would look like.
I also experimented with adding the mountain because the level would end and the player would enter a new area and I wanted a clear visual representation of the end of the tutorial section.

To have a better understanding of the environment of this level I created a village design. I used the colour palette I created from the Ghibli movie screenshots and followed their technique of drawing plants.
Next, I made some concept art for the village buildings using a reference of real Japanese houses and shrines.

#2 Two worlds
The next step was to determine how the human world and the spirit world would look like.
For the human world, I was inspired by Studio Ghibli’s style and color palette so that’s what I based my concept on. However, its just a quick concept which didn’t require a lot of details.

Concept art: Village Level: Human World

Concept art: Village Level: Spirit World
The spirit world
The colour of the sky was inspired by Jojo's bizarre adventure //more in the visual research section//. For the texture of the ground, I decided to use the circle pattern also known as the wave pattern to further push the difference between the two worlds. In my opinion changing the way, the ground looks was a great choice because it ties the mystical aspect of the spirit world to the background.
#3 The mountains
Our final section of the game would be taking place in snowy mountains. It would be a completely new scenery for the player to experience - no greens. For the colour palette, I mainly used cold blues to create that icey feeling. Frozen water would reflect the background and the player. Snow would fall from the sky. Everything to create a winter atmosphere. I am proud of how this concept turned out because it was exactly how I envision the level to look like. // In the future we will put extra effort to make the final environments extra unique//