Character Design
Based on my research during the character design process, you should follow four basic steps.
Step One - Research
As part of my research, I sought out pictures and references that helped figure out how my character would look, based on the characteristics I have compiled. Also, I wanted my character to look like she belonged in the Edo period in Japan so I wanted to stick to a more realistic style // especially when it comes to the colour pallet //.

My research:
First, I wanted to figure out what body type I want my character to have. The body type should be easy to animate and pleasing to the eye. Hence I researched different body types and made a sketch of different body types.
Second, I researched different female outfits in the feudal era in Japan. As well as traditional Shintō attire for priest or priestess. Because ideally our main character would be involved in the shrine day to day problems and help out whenever she can.
Lastly, I created different colour pallets using an
online software to have a general idea of what colours should I use to stay authentic .

Step two - Sketching
I sketched out a character with different body types, outfits and styles. While drawing I kept in mind the original design that Natasza made in semester one. I wanted to stay true to the GDD she created. After I was finished, I sat down with my group and we chose the one we like the most. After that, I could move on to the next step.

Step three - Construction
This step would ensure that the proportions and shape of my character are strong.
Also, decide on the face structure.
Step four - tracing and details

The next step was to import it to unity to see the quality of the character and how we can scale it. We came to the conclusion that the character was too detailed for the small size it was supposed to be. Hence I removed the flower details from the kimono and made the under-skirt black.

However, the character started looking too plain so add the colour and shading on the underskirt again. The decision of changing the colour of the hair turned out to be a great choice. By doing that our character stands out more from the background. Now I can take this design and redraw it into a PSB so I can rigg it in Unity.
What I learned
I learned that even though I can be happy with how the character looks like as a drawing it doesn’t mean that it’s going to look good in a game or even with a different background. The more doesn’t mean the better. In this case, the more detailed character blended in with the background and didn’t look good whether the less complex one stood out - just like it should.
Also, I realised the importance of the right character size/ resolution. All the mistakes come to light once you upload them into unity.