
// documented since 03/14/2021 //
Last session:
- Bartek will be working on switching world mechanics
- We are working on a first trailer/teaser. Trailer plan:
. ESRB screen
“Team ... presents”
The camera shot on the festival -> shot on tori gate -> shot on lanterns -> shot on the crowd (no music, sounds of the crowd)
Shot on a fox statue with a mask next to it (crowd getting quieter)
The rest is a slow zoom on mask (crowd goes completely quiet and mysterious music starts, getting louder with zooming). While the camera zooms, there will be a glitch effect showing the different world.
Title of the game appears (music changes from mysterious to more theme like/happy)
"Coming soon" screen with our social media
Last session:
1. Bartek is still working on Switching mechanics
2. Trailer still WIP <- Ala
3. Ed is making tracks for the trailer (done by Sunday) <- 25 sec mysterious + 10 sec calm/happy
4. Natasha is doing research and level design concept for the Village level
5. Natasha made a list of hashtags in the GameNotes doc <- use them for posting on Twitter
6. Over the Spring break we will also have calls on Wednesdays (except for Easter ofc)
7. Next call is on Sunday when we will be putting the trailer together.
Last session:
1. Bartek making AI ->11.04
2. Making the character sprite with fewer details -> 03.04
3. Finding the right UI -> 03.04
4. Making assets in the meantime
5. When uploading 2D assets upload both black and white and colourful version
6. Me and Ala- different colours enviro concept arts -> 03.04
Next session: 03.04- 5pm UK/ 6pm pl
Last session:
1. Bartek made AI -> gonna check WWise and CameraController (later)
2. Nat made website, -> will make UI mock-ups and different colours enviro concept arts
3. Ala made less detailed main character -> will make the animation next
Next session - 07.04 - 6PM UK/7PM PL
1. Ala made stickman animations - will make linear animation
2. Natasza made menu UI drafts - will be drawing assets for tutorial level, in the meantime, she'll think about level design
3. Bartek researched about WWise a little - going to learn it a little bit more and in the meantime, he's gonna write CameraController
Next session - 12.04 - TBA Later, expected 5PM UK/6 PM PL +- 1h
1. Bartek is taking care of the camera controller (finally knows how to do it) - 3 days
2. We decided that hand drawing every animation for everything might take too long. Right now, Ala is leaning rigging.
3. Natasza will continue to create assets and fix the stage.
Next call -> 16.04- 6 PM PL/5 PM UK
1.Learning Unity/ Run animation - Ala
2. Drawing assets - Natasza
3. Bartek needs a little more time with the camera but have to prioritize the attack
Next call -> 21.04- 6 PM PL/5 PM UK
1. Walk/Run animation - Ala
2. Scalable platform + test SpriteShapeProfile - Natasza
3. Camera almost done, attack next - Bartek
Next call -> 24.04 6PM PL/5PM UK
1. Ala and Nat -> task hasn't changed
2. Camera done, attack hopefully done until Monday evening
Next call -> 26.04 6PM PL/5PM UK
1. Ala is repairing animations
2. Natasza is designing Village
3. Bartek trying to find time to finish the attack: Next -> quests (or hardcode few for demo)
Next call -> TBD
Naming convention:
- Branches -> camelCase
- Assets -> PascalCase
- Unity hierarchy -> PascalCase
1. Bartek showed us how prefabs work and did a tutorial on switching worlds scripts
2. Ala fixed walking animation
3. Natasza is working on the level architecture
Next call -> Monday 10.05 - 6 pm pl time and 5 pm UK
1. Ala - Idle animation + later Tutorial bg and flora assets
2. Natasza - level design (Village) + research on map systems
3. Bartek is going to make an animator for Player and have a call with his assistant to design the Quest system
Next call -> Thursday 17:45 PL Time / 16:45 UK Time